Pornstars: Leah Gotti, Michael Vegas
Movie: Tropical Sexcapades Part 1 | released: January 26, 2016
Picture this. You’re on holiday in Mexico with your lovely wife and another couple.
After soaking up lots of sunshine and quite a few margaritas, everyone retires for a siesta. Or so you think...
As you relax in your hammock, you see your wife grabbing the camera and heading out to the pool. Once outside you find the other couple naked, making out in the jacuzzi.
They don’t seem to mind being watched, even as your wife gets within a few feet so she can get some closeup photos.
After exchanging a few kisses, Leah starts to suck her boyfriend’s cock. She wraps her lips firmly around the head, leaving her hands behind her for added effect. She looks up at him and their eyes lock.
It's difficult for her to smile with a mouth full of cock, but she tries anyway. A muffled giggle sent vibrations down his shaft.....
1000's pictures + full lenght movie of Leah Gotti inside X Art Erotica